Friday, February 22, 2013

My Captors!

Sure they look cute ;) Do you ever yearn for freedom, feel like you are being held against your will. Ha ha! While I would do anything for my children, I found myself sitting and dreaming of the days when I could do what I wanted, when I wanted. For example this morning after making my children breakfast I thought I would like more than a granola bar today. While making a egg and toast I had to stop three different times to stop fights, get children out of things, and redress those who like to take there clothes off spontaneously. Finally when I got it ready I was accompanied by a whiney little girl who needed a bite with everyone I took. As for today I will keep dreaming of the day I can go to the bathroom by myself, shower without having to worry what is being destroyed while I shampoo, or even write a blog post without a child trying to hit the keys. It will happen right? Can't wait until my release date.

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